Please tell me that it is not so! Is it, as I heard twice today. Is all the anger that we are hearing of in the news, reading of in the newspapers, and seeing at the stores, not really a rail against the retailers for saying "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas?" Is it, as a devout Christian told me today; Christians truly believe and are upset because “They, “the Jews,” are making money from the Christian holiday of Christmas?” Please tell me, is this the true cause for all this commotion? Do Christians believe that all merchants, manufacturers, and marketers are Jewish? Are only “they,” the Jews, profiting from and commercializing the birth of Christ? Are all those that express “Happy Holidays” condescending, criminal, or coddling the Christians; or is it only Jews that do these dastardly deeds?
Is it true that in this free market society, one considered “Judeo-Christian,” and one that I thought was accepting and inclusive of more than Christians, people no longer espouse the principles that this country was founded on? Are religious freedom, free enterprise, and free speech, now a reason for protest and picketing? Are these principles no longer, as we prefer and prosper from? If this is true, than I am very confused and concerned!
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