/> WHAT WILL BE . . .© Farming is Falling, Effecting Food and Family © Be-Think: SERENITY, THE ABSENCE OF ANOTHER’S SHOULD ©

Monday, April 04, 2005


Serenity is a life without “should,” the “should” that others believe is best for you.
Among the mantras, that my Mom shared with me was this,
“No one has the right to tell you what you should think, say, do, feel, or be!”
As the world and I witness the passing of two persons, that of Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo, I am reminded of this. One passed with much hoopla, hollering, and howling. The other passed in peace. For me, a peaceful passing is quite powerful. It is dignified, and freeing. I believe that serenity is the absence of an external, imposed should.

May we always reflect and remember what we would wish for; may we offer the same to others.

In homage to my Mom, I share the story of The Little Prince. It is among our favorites. I thank the author of this web-link for offering this inspirational text and the glorious illustrations.