Only the right, those that prefer to paint the world either black or white could create such an oxymoron! Only the party that plays with propaganda, that does “doublespeak,” that coined the terms “collateral damage” and “compassionate conservative” could or would conceive of such an impossibility. Progressives, liberals, the “left” by definition are open, open-minded, freethinking, and speak freely. They could not possibly conspire against anyone. To conspire is to plot, to scheme, to connive, and to be sneaky. Each of these requires secrecy. One cannot simultaneously be open and free, and still be secretive. An individual or a group must be closed if they are to be successful conspirators.
Reflecting further on this concept I am reminded of that famous Will Rogers quote, “I am not a member of an organized political party; I am a Democrat!”
• “Collateral damage” [Bush forty-one]
• “Compassionate conservative” [Bush forty-three]
This post was inspired by a question posed on MaxSpeak, You Listen!
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