On September 17, 2003, President George W. Bush stated publicly that he wanted “justice” for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. He decisively declared that he wanted Bin Laden just as the old western posters proclaimed. The President wanted him “dead or alive.” In truth, our compassionately conservative president wanted no part of compassion; nor did he desire being conservative in his pursuit of justice. George Bush wanted Bin Laden dead; he wanted his head on a platter, literally. At least he wanted his head on a bed of dry ice!
On Wednesday May 4, 2005, the BBC reported this story. They shared the words of former Central Intelligence chief, Gary Schroen. Mr. Schroen was among the first flown into Afghanistan a week after 9/11. Schroen was the lead; he was given the privilege of choosing his own six-person team. He and his men were given orders to “kill” Osama Bin Laden and to “bring back his head.”
Mr. Schroen, station chief in both Kabul and Islamabad was thought to be ideal for the mission. He was familiar with the land and the culture; he had connections. Therefore, it was believed that Gary Schroen could easily liaise with anti-Taliban warlords. The plan was that Schroen and his men would overthrow the regime and then assassinate Bin Laden and other Al-Queda operatives. The group was well equipped to do their job. They were given laptops, hand-held radios, instant coffee, and $3 million in $100 bills. What more does a compassionate conservative mission need? Millions in monies, manpower, a missive from the President, and ammunition is all that is required.
Now Mr. Gary Schroen has released his memoirs, titled First In, and much is revealed. We now know that “dead” was the dictum; “alive” was merely an allusive concept. “Justice” was the spoken intent; however, “just us,” was the President’s purpose. He believed that only the Whitehouse had [or has] the right and the power to judge.
National Public Broadcasting, May 2, 2005, airs an accounting. Dead or Alive, Hunting Osama Bin Laden. Please listen.
Please listen to and view an interview: Gary Schroen speaks with Tim Russert, aired Sunday, May 8, 2005, on Meet the Press.
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