/> WHAT WILL BE . . .© Farming is Falling, Effecting Food and Family © Be-Think: June 2005

Friday, June 03, 2005


It was late on a Friday evening. On the east coast, network nightly newscasts had already aired. The calm and stillness of the weekend was setting in. Some were readying for bed, others for a night on the town. It was time to leave the hustle and bustle of the workweek behind; it was time to enjoy the weekend.

What better time for the Whitehouse to release a story that might bring controversy? Customarily, people leave thoughts of global chaos for the weekdays. Saturdays and Sundays are considered days of rest. The media respects this time-honored tradition. Therefore, if details of a story could be damaging, if they might defeat an intended Bush plan, this administration reveals them in the quiet of a Friday night, and so it was with this story.

On Friday night, June 3, 2005, the true story of the Quáran [Koran] was made public. Newsweek did not report the story; they were beaten, battered, and badly bruised. They could take no more chances, no more criticism. The Whitehouse had won their battle with this periodical. Newsweek editors partially retracted their earlier report “GUANTANAMO, A Scandal Spreads.”

On May 9, 2005, Newsweek had published a piece stating, American interrogators had flushed a Quáran down the toilet. Unheard of, not possible, or so the Whitehouse claimed. American servicemen and women would never do such a thing. Remember Abu Ghair.

In the days immediately following the May 9th missive, Spokesman Scott McClellan berated the magazine, its reporters, editors, and their policies. Speaking on behalf of the President, Mr. McClellan questioned the use of an anonymous source. A tale such as this is “too important” and warrants more scrutiny before it is placed in print. He stated Newsweek has done “irreparable damage” to the reputation of the United States.

Later, the President and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld chimed in. Each claimed Newsweek was the cause for riots and bedlam; their carelessness caused fifteen deaths. Ultimately and sheepishly, Newsweek correspondents Michael Isikoff and John Barry affirmed, they had only one source, and that source was unwilling to speak on the record. Newsweek editors were embarrassed. Reluctantly they admitted they were in error; the statement should not have been published. It would be a while before this magazine was ready for another skirmish. Yet, the results of another investigation on the mistreatment of the Quáran were revealed on this Friday, June 3.


Thursday, June 02, 2005


This is a first in a series. I offer the quotes, and you decide. Is this reality or perception?

“At our National Cemetery, we're reminded why America has always been a reluctant warrior.”

My apologies, I cannot resist a moment of commentary. I ask, “Did we not choose to attack?” Oh yes, I recall; it was vengeance in the name of justice.

“Because of the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, two terror regimes are gone forever, freedom is on the march, and America is more secure.”

Please share your thoughts. Mine are racing.

Another shares his memorial thoughts; he writes a beautiful tribute to a fallen soldier. Paradox presents homage to a person and to a principle. Please visit This is Our Country

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Call me a saint or a sinner, a sage or a scrooge,
be I a sweet person or a scoundrel, I am I!
I am a unique individual.
If you call me a black man, a white woman, a Jew, or a kike,
if you say that I am an Irishman or a Mick, then you do not see me for me.
If you consider my appearance and not my heart than you negate me, or attempt to.
You classify me, you intend to reduce my worth, and you do, in your own mind’s eye.
However, you cannot lessen my value.
I am a treasure.
I am not as you see me or as you state.
I am not part of this group or that.
I am myself; I am I.

During recent discussions of W. Mark Felt, the now admitted “deep throat,” many people ask us to ignore what President Nixon and Chief of Staff HR Halderman said of the man. While conversing in the oval office, the former President and his Chief of staff spoke of Mr. Felt. The exchange was aired last evening, May 31, 2005, on NBC Nightly News. It had been taped; it was among the infamous “Nixon Tapes.”

On this recording, Nixon is heard to ask, “Is he [FBI Deputy Chief Felt] a Catholic?” Mr. Halderman answers “No, he is a Jew.” Nixon replies, “Christ, put a Jew in there?” They each conclude ‘that is the problem!’ For Mr. Nixon, “Jews” are a problem. It matters not whether they are individuals or a group; they are not good! Nixon is exemplary of a frightening consensus. Many think, they all look alike, sound the same, and have a distinctive smell. They are identical in thought, word, and deed. President Nixon’s words clearly demonstrate a disdain for a group.

Yet, people ponder the inaccuracy of the statement. Numerous persons declare, Felt is of Irish descent. Nonetheless, for me, the significance of the original statement is the same.
Once you label me, you negate me.
Soren Kierkegaard [Danish Philosopher]

For the complete text of the tape please visit Deep Throat: The Game Is Afoot. Scroll to the bottom for the full folly.

The discussion that stimulated this writing is in the comment section of NIXON: "CHRIST, PUT A JEW IN THERE?"HALDEMAN: "WELL THAT COULD EXPLAIN IT." MaxSpeak.