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Thursday, January 06, 2005


In this time of turmoil I am torn. There is so much death, so much destruction, so much devastation; it is more than the human mind might imagine. Yet, for me, the death and destruction that natural disasters cause is not nearly as confusing as that which humans inflict upon each other. We humans inflict pain upon each other in many manners. We impose pain that is physical and pain that is psychological. We cause pain when we destroy, devastate, create debt, and do not deliver.

An aside: Sadly, it seems that we often believe that we give more then we do. The contrast between what we believe we bestow upon others and what we do differs. In recent days, there have been numerous discussions of this discrepancy. Mostly, the focus is on charitable contributions. In America, it seems that many think that their country is the most magnanimous. Yet, while the intentions may be wonderful, the actions often do not reflect these. Apparently, this can be a personal truth and one that is public policy. America allocates less than one percent of its’ budget to Foreign Assistance. The distribution of these funds is not as many of us might believe. There is a stark contrast between those for diplomacy, those for defense, and those set aside for natural disasters.

Please read and reflect upon this Overview of United States Foreign Aid Budget. Pages 19 and 22 may be of interest.