/> WHAT WILL BE . . .© Farming is Falling, Effecting Food and Family © Be-Think: January 2005

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


They and he plot, plan, and then the ploy . . .
Pay pundits to pass on the message.
Massage the message through the media.
Create what appears to be a news-broadcast, and is in actuality,
An advertisement for their, for his, agenda!

They and he do this with programs such as Medicare.
They and he seek the support of those most involved and most influential.
The American Association of Retired Persons,
An organization that was once an advocate for those that worked hard all their lives,
So that they might enjoy their elder years,
Is now, another authorized insurance establishment,
One with their own interests in mind, and just as his,
Making more money is behind their actions.

They and he present programs that stress success,
[Please read further for the rest of my reflections. See below.]

Also offered are these reports on Medicare Reform, 'No Child Left Behind,' and Social Security.
Please review "GAO: Bush Administration Illegally Used Taxpayer Funds for Medicare Propaganda"
Please consider other sources, such as, “The San Diego Union-Tribune, Who will profit from Medicare reform?"
Please think through more, "Los Angeles Times, Are Schools Cheating Poor Learners?"
Please Download "Are_schools_cheating_poor_learners?" pdf
Please consider more information, 'Every Child Left Behind,' By Britt Robson"
Please ponder this offering, "Washington Post, Administration Paid Commentator, By Howard Kurtz"
Please read and reflect, "New York Times, Social Security Bashing: A Historical Perspective
Download social_security_a_historical_perspective.pdf

Please continue reading "THE POWER OF PROPAGANDA ©"

Saturday, January 22, 2005


It began on April 15, tax day, and while many may think that it was quite taxing, quite a burden, even a bludgeoning, I wonder if it was not my beginning. It began with an introduction, a request to keep company, at least for the time it takes to eat a meal, and then after a four-hour conversation, it became much more, much, much more.

We met in a restaurant, one that I ate in daily and had for years. Actually, though I thought that April 15 was the date of our first meeting, he informed me that it was not. Apparently, weeks earlier, when he was there with another woman, his friend, what he later revealed was his “best friend,” he passed by my table, my usual table, and shared a few words and a smile. I did not recall this clearly, for in the many years of my dining at this locale, strangers stopped by my table frequently. They smiled and shared a few words; yet, rarely were their words or their ways memorable to me. His and he were as the rest, not meaningful and therefore barely worthy of my remembering. They and he were merely moments.

However, this night was different.

Please continue reading "THE RELATIONSHIP; WE MEET . . . ©"

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


He says that he has a mandate; he has capital to spend.
He would know, for when he asks, Congress authorizes its printing, the capital that is.
Yes, he does have capital!
The capital he has, is the majority on Capitol Hill.
Moreover, there is a mandate and it is monumental, monumentally minimal!
Of all second-term Presidents throughout history, he has the smallest margin of victory!
The forty-third, now forty-fourth President of the United States can claim a success like no other.
No other President was ever re-elected with less of an edge.
Yet, there is a power to this president.
He persuades!
As the Bush Administration so frequently states,
“Say it often enough and people will believe it.”
- Conceived of on Election Eve and Expelled on Inauguration Eve

Sunday, January 16, 2005


How many reports must credible sources release before we recognize what is?
How many pills must the pharmaceuticals produce before we accept that these do not cure our ills?
How many persons will lose Medicare benefits, before we realize that people will die?
How many persons will not receive Social Security, not for fatal flaws in the program,
But because we have used the funds to fill in for budget blunders?
How many children will be left behind, now that there is the false hope of 'No Child Left Behind?'
How many persons will be without the benefits of full employment, now that the economy is expanding?
How many uninsured will it take ‘til we know, that too many people cannot participate in preventative medicine?
How many more military industrial complexes will it take ‘til we know that these are not democracy?
How many worldwide deaths will it take ‘til we know that too many people have died?
How many gaffes will George W. growl, before we realize that these are as he intends?
The answer my friend is blowing in the whirlwind, the answer is blowing in the media, political whirlwind.
- with thanks to Bob Dylan

Please consider other sources, such as, “Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine"
Please ponder other presentations, 'Medicare Reform: The Real Winners,'
Please think through history and all, 'Social Security Bashing: A Historical Perspective, By Daniel Gross '
Please consider information, such as, 'Every Child Left Behind,' By By Britt Robson"
Please contemplate the concerns of many, 'Coalition Casualty Count'
Please also consider, ‘Iraq death toll 'soared post-war'
Please peruse another reference, . . . 'bring 'em on, is the Bush doctrine!,' By Craig B Hulet
Please read an MSNBC report, reflect, and . . . 'Bush regrets language that hurt diplomacy,'

Thursday, January 06, 2005


In this time of turmoil I am torn. There is so much death, so much destruction, so much devastation; it is more than the human mind might imagine. Yet, for me, the death and destruction that natural disasters cause is not nearly as confusing as that which humans inflict upon each other. We humans inflict pain upon each other in many manners. We impose pain that is physical and pain that is psychological. We cause pain when we destroy, devastate, create debt, and do not deliver.

An aside: Sadly, it seems that we often believe that we give more then we do. The contrast between what we believe we bestow upon others and what we do differs. In recent days, there have been numerous discussions of this discrepancy. Mostly, the focus is on charitable contributions. In America, it seems that many think that their country is the most magnanimous. Yet, while the intentions may be wonderful, the actions often do not reflect these. Apparently, this can be a personal truth and one that is public policy. America allocates less than one percent of its’ budget to Foreign Assistance. The distribution of these funds is not as many of us might believe. There is a stark contrast between those for diplomacy, those for defense, and those set aside for natural disasters.

Please read and reflect upon this Overview of United States Foreign Aid Budget. Pages 19 and 22 may be of interest.


Saturday, January 01, 2005


“Expect the best and prepare for the worst” were the words I read before I bed. These words were heard again, immediately upon my waking. Each time I read or hear these words I cringe! Though the thoughts may seem to be tandem, somewhat separate, one being placed before the other, though they may seem similar, they are distinct, one affirming, the other accepting, they are truly one. They are tied together in the minds, hearts, bodies, and souls of the speakers!

Many people seem to pose this phrase as their belief; they seem to believe, actually, they state that this thought is a reflection of their “positive” attitude. Many people prefer to be “positive” or at least they prefer to appear to be. Yet for me, this statement, this spin, and this expressed belief is quite the contrary.

I offer what I experience to be true, "As you think so shall you be." Sadly, some seem to believe that their thoughts sit neatly on the surface. They dare not delve deeper into their truer thoughts. Yet, it is what we believe and experience to our core that we will create and ultimately, this is what we will be.

Please continue reading "RESOLUTIONS, EXPECT? PREPARE? BE! ©"