/> WHAT WILL BE . . .© Farming is Falling, Effecting Food and Family © Be-Think: April 2005

Saturday, April 30, 2005


Early in April 2005, I wrote of how we tentatively support our troops. I shared the odd ways in which we honor those that we love. I questioned Department of Defense policies. The Pentagon does not accurately report the actual number of war casualties. “Casualties” are considered persons that are “hurt directly by the bullets and the bombs of the enemy.” If an ally wounds a soldier, if a soldier is injured in an accident, or if a serviceperson hurts him/herself, s/he is not “counted’ as a casualty!

I wrote of how the government fears losing support for the war effort. They do not wish to expose the truth of our conflicts. They fear the “Dover test.” When our war wounded and fallen soldiers are flown back into the States, they arrive at Air Force Bases, such as, Dover. When citizens see images of these, when they are forced to face the reality of war, they often withdraw their support. It is difficult to tolerate the loss of young lives. Equally troublesome is the loss of an eye or a limb; the cruelty of war-imposed pain is not a welcome sight. Therefore, our government has chosen to screen what we see; they want us to feel good about our wars.

However, on April 2004 photographs of flag-draped American coffins were taken. These were acquired illegally and yet they found their way into the public forum. The Whitehouse was livid. Nonetheless, the images survived. In my earlier discussion of the Dover test, I did post these ill-gotten photographs.

Now, on April 28, 2005, I discover others questioning and actively conquering military conventions, and more pictures. After an extensive legal battle, the < a href=http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/local/2005/04/28pentagonrelease.html>Pentagon was forced to reveal 360 photographs of United States soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other conflicts.

National Public Radio offers audio coverage of the story and a Gallery of photographs for viewing. ”Photos of Caskets Bearing War Dead Released”, April 29, 2005.

Delawareonline.com also bestows complete coverage, photographs, an article, and video.


Friday, April 29, 2005


In the heat of the night, when gasoline is selling at and all time high and home heating bills are more burdensome than ever before, President Bush decided to speak to the nation. In a rare prime-time press conference, he publicly addressed the concerns of the American citizenry.

Mr. Bush knows that his approval ratings are low and falling. He fears that his capital is spent. He realizes that he must reach out. He must appease the people; his legacy is at stake. Therefore, on Thursday evening, April 28, 2005, our President appeared, he presented his priorities.

Mr. Bush bemoaned America’s reliance on foreign energy. He proposed an aggressive expansion of domestic oil production. He said, "It's time for America to start building again." He wants to build refineries, to do more drilling in the States. He wants to destroy the pristine environment of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge [ANWR], Alaska.

President Bush asserted, “We must address the root causes that are driving up gas prices. In the past decade, America's energy consumption has been growing about 40 times faster than our energy production. That means we're relying more on energy produced abroad.”

Yes Mr. President, we are, and how could we not?

Please continue reading "LOGIC OF BUSH BELIES. OIL, BUSH, THE BIG PUSH! ©"

Monday, April 25, 2005


No this title does not tell the tale that you might suppose; we have not closed the door on international terrorism, only the reporting of it. We have not conquered the problem; we have only restricted information concerning it.

The State Department, under the auspices of Condoleezza Rice has abruptly decided not to release its annual report on international terrorist incidents. In the past twenty years, two volumes were routinely published. One was for public review, and another for classified personnel only. Now, there will only be one report available and it will not be widely released.

Why might this be? Some State Department officials say that the job is no longer theirs. The National Counter-Terrorism Center, an organization created by Congress, on the recommendation of the independent 9/11 Commission, now calculates these numbers. Therefore, the State Department argues that the job is no longer theirs and they need not be involved.

However, according to several Intelligence community sources, this is not the true reason or rationale for the decision. They say that this move is political. The Secretary and her Department do not wish to be embarrassed by their own statistics. They do not have a palatable way to explain recent reports. In 2004, there were 625 attacks; while in 2003, there were only 175. How would the Secretary defend this? After all, the President claims that we are making progress in our War-on-Terrorism.

How would she justify this twenty-year high! What would Miss Rice say when asked why this number does not include insurgent attacks in Iraq? It may be argued that the methodology differs from year to year; however, it has not changed in the past two decades. Suggestions for change were proposed, but not adopted. In each year, the same sound techniques were used.

It seems, just as access to all information from this Whitehouse does. The doors are closed, reports are sealed, secrecy is the mantra, and the message is missing.

It is official, Knight-Ridder Newspapers,
GOODBYE PATTERNS OF GLOBAL TERRORISM? (updated 4/16) by Larry C. Johnson
The story, On the Media, Sunday April 24, 2005, See No Terror, Hear No Terror
More on the story, Condi kills 19-year annual U.S. terrorism report by by SusanHu, DailyKos
The story behind the story, General Accounting Office statistic on Terrorism.
The story resulting from the story, The Mercury News,
Representative Waxman demands probe of State Department terrorism reports, by Barry Schweid

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Only the right, those that prefer to paint the world either black or white could create such an oxymoron! Only the party that plays with propaganda, that does “doublespeak,” that coined the terms “collateral damage” and “compassionate conservative” could or would conceive of such an impossibility. Progressives, liberals, the “left” by definition are open, open-minded, freethinking, and speak freely. They could not possibly conspire against anyone. To conspire is to plot, to scheme, to connive, and to be sneaky. Each of these requires secrecy. One cannot simultaneously be open and free, and still be secretive. An individual or a group must be closed if they are to be successful conspirators.

Reflecting further on this concept I am reminded of that famous Will Rogers quote, “I am not a member of an organized political party; I am a Democrat!”

• “Collateral damage” [Bush forty-one]
• “Compassionate conservative” [Bush forty-three]

This post was inspired by a question posed on MaxSpeak, You Listen!


We, Americans, speak of loving our troops, supporting our soldiers and yet we demonstrate this in the oddest of ways. Recently, on April 1, 2005, I was listening to what I wish were an April “Fool’s Day” ruse. Sadly, it was not. I was tuned into On the Media, a National Public Radio program. The topic was “Wounded in Abstraction.” Radio host Brook Gladstone was interviewing Salon correspondent, Mark Benjamin. Mr. Benjamin has been covering the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has followed the injured soldiers, listened to their stories, and observed their stresses.

He has written much on the subject. During this discourse, he spoke of the Pentagon, its practices, policies, and the manner in which it calculates war casualties. He offered that the numbers are “deceptively low” and he explained why this is.

Reporter Benjamin shared that the Pentagon selectively defines the term “casualties.” Casualties are only persons that are “hurt directly by the bullets and the bombs of the enemy.” If an ally wounds a soldier, if s/he is injured in an automobile accident, if a combatant commits suicide, or is s/he is impaired accidentally, then s/he is not considered a casualty of war.


Please continue reading "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, TENTATIVELY! ©"

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I believe in Karma; or in the axiom “What you do unto others will be done unto you.”

John Bolton righteously chose and chooses to continually demean, dismiss, and diminish others publicly. He did the same towards symbols, such as the United Nations, a symbol of global peace and unity. He is on record as saying, “The Secretariat Building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost 10 stories, today it wouldn't make a bit of difference.” Nonetheless, President George W. Bush nominated Mr. Bolton to serve as our Ambassador to the United Nations. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice strongly supports this choice; each speaks of his glorious qualifications. Bolton, himself, says that he is looking forward to the job.

Now, we await his approval. Some thought him a shoe-in. Yet, as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee assesses the man, they discover there is more to consider than the certificates that Mr. Bolton has earned.
Many of the man’s associates have voluntarily come forward to oppose this appointment. Numerous Bolton contacts have expressed, under oath, that they have witnessed Mr. Bolton’s abrasive demeanor. They have often observed or experienced this first hand.

Apparently, Bolton is well known for wishing to remove persons from their posts if they dare disagree with him. He has wanted to and worked to “bolt” many colleagues and subordinates from important positions, from their professions, and from his presence. Now, the tide has turned. The time is his! Now, there is talk of “bolting” him. Several members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are seriously considering voting against his appointment.

Those questioning the wisdom of this appointment are not only Democrats; some are Republicans. Members from each party have asked for a delay in the vote. According to The New York Times Ohio Republican Senator George Voinovich stated, “I don't feel comfortable voting today.” His offered that concerns were not political; he did not necessarily object to the opinionated philosophies of John R. Bolton. Voinovich expressed his concern for the “temperament” of the man.

Fellow Republican Senators Chafee and Hagel of Nebraska also voiced their reservations. Hagel was cautious. He offered his reluctance, stating that he may not support Bolton's nomination if it moves to the full Senate for a confirmation vote.

May I remind Bolton, that what we do unto others will ultimately be done unto us. Every moment is important, as is every entity. When you choose to be cruel to others, others will bring what may feel as cruelty into your own life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


In the year 2000, President Select, George W. Bush, [anointed by Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist,] inherits a budget surplus. Feeling empowered by his office and wanting to please his constituency, he convinces Congress to cut taxes. This action increases wealth for the already wealthy and provides a pittance for the others. The surplus slide is set in motion and the drain begins.

On September 14, 2001 President Bush travels to Ground Zero. He wishes to calm the country. As he starts to speak, a voice in the crowd calls to him. The caller shouts, that he can barely hear the President’s words. In response, Bush proudly proclaims, “I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” King George Bush II declares war on terrorism. To this end, he elects to attack Afghanistan and Iraq unilaterally. This decision increases assets for the affluent. Businesses build; defensive spending is on the rise. However, financing these conflicts is costly. Budget shortfalls be damned; we are at war!



Friday, April 15, 2005


I awoke this morning and thought of you. I am writing this on April 15th, the year is unimportant, for every year, since we first met, on April 15th, I think of you. Do you remember me, us, our meeting on this date? Do you recall that just after 6:00 PM, on April 15th you first introduced yourself to me?

Possibly, you remember the conversation; it was hot, healthy, and even heated as we discussed family, feelings, philosophies, and politics. After almost four hours of fun, we struggled to part ways. You called immediately upon arriving home; you left a message. Without delay, I returned your call.

We arranged to meet again on the evening of April 17th. You arrived at my home, with a book in hand. It was Rush Limbaugh’s first release, titled, “The Way Things Ought to Be.” In truth, I had forgotten the title of this book. I had to look it up. Now, I laugh; the title seems a precursor to so much of what was. While I knew then and now that the thoughts of Rush represent your political beliefs, the title of this book says more than I knew at that time. I smile while reflecting. I learned so much, not only from reading the book; I learned from relating to and with you!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


This morning I was surfing the Internet; I read "MaxSpeak, You Listen!"and was startled to read a piece that did not speak of the papacy, the Pope, and his passing. Max was writing of “Republican Welfare in America”; actually, he was writing of the “tragic destruction of family and the work ethic.” He linked to a piece called “The Lowest Deep” posted by Adam O'Neill. The topic, “Are Small Farms OK, Or Just Tax Sheltered ©.” O’Neill was reflecting on a New York Times Op-ED article by Bruce Gardner, one in which the author expresses his concern for the “Little Guy,” and for “the increasing size and industrialization of American farms.” This discussion stimulates my own thoughts and I share these with you.

The issue of farming is an interesting one. It brings up many questions?


Wednesday, April 06, 2005


The passing of the Pope has become a world event. People from all walks of life are converging to extend their condolences. Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Protestants, and even atheists are uniting; they are coming together in Rome to honor the passing of a great man and humanitarian. All are welcome; none are excluded from this experience, or are they?

A man also known for his humanity and strong faith, former President Jimmy Carter, will not visit Rome. Initially, President Carter did wish to pay his respects personally; he stated his desire aloud. However, he was informed by the current administration that he could not attend, or at least he could not be part of the official delegation. Our current President chose to limit the number of American “dignitaries” to five. I do not wonder why; I am only sad for the state of our affairs.

CBS News touches on the tale.
NBC Nightly News did an exposé.
The Today Show also discussed this dilemma, reminding us that Jimmy Carter was the first American President to welcome a Pope, this Pope, the people's Pope, to the Whitehouse. Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Carter frequently worked with Pope John Paul II; both were interested in pursuing world peace. Please view the video.
The Manila Bulletin offers this report.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Serenity is a life without “should,” the “should” that others believe is best for you.
Among the mantras, that my Mom shared with me was this,
“No one has the right to tell you what you should think, say, do, feel, or be!”
As the world and I witness the passing of two persons, that of Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo, I am reminded of this. One passed with much hoopla, hollering, and howling. The other passed in peace. For me, a peaceful passing is quite powerful. It is dignified, and freeing. I believe that serenity is the absence of an external, imposed should.

May we always reflect and remember what we would wish for; may we offer the same to others.

In homage to my Mom, I share the story of The Little Prince. It is among our favorites. I thank the author of this web-link for offering this inspirational text and the glorious illustrations.